Investor Relations
About Us
The Neyriz Ghadir Steel Complex
Address: Neyriz to Sirjan 50km road,Neyriz-Sirjan road, Fars, Iran
Postal code 7491617831
+98 71 5385 4015Fax:
+98 71 5385 4016Opening hours: Saturday to Thursday 8am to 4pm
Tehran office: No. 17, 14th west , Bucharest St, Tehran, Iran
Postal code: 1514819711
Tehran office Phone :
+98 21 8875 4305Opening hours: Saturday to Thursday 8 am to 4 pm
info@nghsco.irGhadir Neyriz Steel Company was one of the 7 steel projects approved by the government delegation in 2007 with the aim of decentralizing steel production. The construction of a DRI plant with a capacity of 800 thousand tons and a steelworks with a capacity of one million tons began in 2007.
In 2014, an agreement was signed between the Iranian Mines and Mining Industries Development and Renovation Organization (IMIDRO) and Ghadir International Industries & Mines Development Company (Public Joint Stock) for investment and partnership in the construction, completion, and commissioning of the incomplete Neyriz Ghadir Steel Complex project. The agreement allocated 65% of the investment to the second party (Ghadir) and 35% to the first party (IMIDRO).
Ghadir Neyriz Steel Company is registered in the form of a joint stock company with the registration number 1300 and national ID 14004505206 in the Neyriz notary office.
Contact us
Address: Neyriz to Sirjan 50km road, Neyriz County, Fars Province.
+98 71 5385 4015Fax:
+98 71 5385 4016Tehran office: No. 17, 14th west , Bucharest St, Tehran, Iran
Tehran office Phone :
+98 21 8875 4305Email:
info@nghsco.ir© 2024 Neyriz Ghadir Steel Complex. All Rights Reserved.
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