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اخبار و رسانه

مجتمع فولاد غدیر نی‌ریز

CEO of Ghadir Investment Company, visits Ghadir steel complex



Mehdi Obouri, CEO of Ghadir Investment Company, along with a delegation of senior managers of the company, visited the Ghadir Neyriz Steel Complex.

This visit was a turning point in the history of the complex and provided an opportunity for exchanging views and discussing achievements and challenges.

In the first part of the visit, Dr. Obouri and his delegation visited the melting operations of the steelmaking plant. The CEO of Ghadir Investment Company, while expressing his pleasure to be among the hard-working staff of the complex, described the melting operation as a glorious moment and a source of national pride.

In this part of the visit, Dr. Obouri , referring to the importance of the steel industry in the country's economic development, appreciated the efforts and perseverance of Dr. Mostafapour , CEO of Ghadir Neyriz Steel Complex, and the staff of the complex in launching and operating the steelmaking plant.

Providing sustainable water through the Persian Gulf water transfer project, solving the problems of electricity and gas supply, and paying special attention to the field of social responsibilities were among the issues that the CEO of Ghadir Investment Company mentioned in this visit.

Dr. Obouri appreciated the decision of the CEO of Ghadir Neyriz Steel Complex to waive the water rights of the Cheshmeh Ashegh Dam to ensure the interests of the people of the region and considered it as a sign of the complex's commitment to its social responsibilities.

Achievements of Ghadir Neyriz Steel Complex in the Past Two Years:

Dr. Mohsen Mostafapour , CEO of Ghadir Neyriz Steel Complex, in this visit, explained the achievements of the complex in the past two years in various fields of production, trade, operation, and etc. These achievements include:

  • Increased Steel Production: Ghadir Neyriz Steel Complex has experienced a significant increase in steel production in the past two years. This increase in production indicates the commitment and efforts of the complex's personnel to achieve the company's goals.
  • Improved Product Quality: Ghadir Neyriz Steel Complex, by focusing on improving the quality of its products, has been able to achieve a competitive position in the market. The high quality of the complex's products has led to customer satisfaction and paved the way for exporting products to international markets.
  • Increased Exports: Ghadir Neyriz Steel Complex has taken a significant step towards the economic boom of the country by increasing the export of its products in the past two years. This shows the ability of the complex to compete with foreign companies and generate foreign currency for the country.
  • Development of Steel Production Chain: Ghadir Neyriz Steel Complex, in order to complete the steel production chain, has started to construct new units such as pelletizing plant and iron ore mine. This will increase the production efficiency and reduce the complex's dependence on other companies.
  • Promoting Social Responsibilities: Ghadir Neyriz Steel Complex, understanding the importance of social responsibilities, has taken significant measures in various fields such as construction of a large cultural, sports, and educational complex, purchasing an MRI machine, and paying special attention to the field of treatment. These actions indicate the complex's commitment to the development and prosperity of the region and the well-being of the people.

Other attendees of this visit included:

  • Dr. Amiri, Economic Deputy of the Armed Forces Social Security Organization and Member of the Board of Directors of Ghadir Investment Company.
  • Aghababaei, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of Ghadir Investment company.
  • FatemiPour, Senior Advisor to the CEO of Ghadir Investment company.
  • Sadegh Mal Vajard, Advisor to the CEO of Ghadir Investment company.
  • Farhady, Deputy of Companies Affairs and Member of the Board of Directors of Ghadir Investment company.
  • Nooriyan, Deputy of Planning and Strategic Studies of Ghadir Investment company.
  • Dr. Fazel, CEO of Ghadir International Industries and Mines Development Company.
CEO of Ghadir Investment Company visits Ghadir Neyriz steel complex
CEO of Ghadir Investment company visits Ghadir Neyriz steel complex

The visit of the CEO of Ghadir Investment Company to Ghadir Neyriz Steel Complex shows the importance of this complex in the country's steel industry and the special attention of Ghadir Investment Company to this complex. The achievements of Ghadir Neyriz Steel Complex in the past two years in various fields indicate the dynamism and efforts of the complex for progress. The future plans of the complex also show the determination to continue this path and become one of the largest and best steel complexes in the country.

This visit was conducted in line with the commitment of Ghadir Investment Company to the development and progress of Ghadir Neyriz Steel Complex and also to fulfill the social responsibilities of the company in the region.

Considering the existing capacities in Ghadir Neyriz Steel Complex, it is expected that this complex will become one of the important hubs of steel production in the country



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ممکن است برایتان جالب باشد

استفاده از اخبار وب سایت مجتمع فولاد غدیر در سایر رسانه ها با ذکر منبع بلامانع است.

مجتمع فولاد غدیر نی‌ریز، یکی از ۷ طرح فولادی به شمار می رود که دولت جمهوری اسلامی ایران در سال ۱۳۸۵ با هدف تمرکز زدایی از تولید فولاد به تصویب رساند. عملیات اجرایی احداث کارخانه احیاء مستقیم این مجتمع با ظرفیت ۸۰۰ هزار تن و کارخانه فولادسازی با ظرفیت یک میلیون تن در سال ۱۳۸۶ ، آغاز شد.

در سال ۱۳۹۳ قراردادی میان سازمان توسعه و نوسازی معادن و صنایع معدنی ایران (ایمیدرو) و شرکت بین المللی توسعه صنایع و معادن غدیر (سهامی عام) برای سرمایه گذاری و مشارکت در ساخت و تکمیل و راه اندازی طرح نیمه تمام مجتمع فولاد غدیر نی ریز به نسبت 65 درصد طرف دوم (غدیر) و 35 درصد طرف اول (ایمیدرو) منعقد شد.

مجتمع فولاد غدیر نی‌ریز (سهامی خاص) در قالب شرکت سهامی به شماره ثبتی ۱۳۰۰ و شناسه ملی ۱۴۰۰۴۵۰۵۲۰۶ در اداره ثبت اسناد و املاک نی‌ریز ثبت شده است و در حال حاضر، جزء واحدهای تجاری فرعی شرکت بین المللی توسعه صنایع و معادن غدیر(سهامی عام) می باشد. این واحد صنعتی، بخش میانی گروه شرکت سرمایه گذاری غدیر(سهامی عام) و کنترل کننده نهایی، سازمان تأمین اجتماعی کارکنان بازنشستگی نیروهای مسلح(ساتا) است.

پیوندهای مفید

تماس با ما


آدرس : استان فارس- شهرستان نی‌ریز - کیلومتر ۵۰ جاده نی‌ریز به سیرجان

دفتر مرکزی

دفتر تهران : بخارست، کوچه چهاردهم غربی، پلاک ۱۷

تلفن دفتر تهران :

+98 21 8875 4305



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تمام حقوق این وب سایت متعلق به مجتمع فولاد غدیر نی‌ریز است.

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