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درباره ی ما

اخبار و رسانه

مجتمع فولاد غدیر نی‌ریز

Neyriz Steel boosts medical services by donating an MRI machine in Iran



In line with its commitment to social responsibilities and as a valuable initiative, the Neyriz Ghadir Steel Complex donated an MRI machine in Iran to the Martyrs of Health Hospital in this city. Purchased with a fund of over 100 billion Tomans, this device marks a significant milestone in the medical services history of the area. Being the first MRI machine in Neyriz county and one of the most advanced MRI machines in Iran, it will significantly enhance the health standards of the Iranian people.

The importance and benefits of donating an MRI machine in Iran include:

  • Easy Access to Advanced Diagnostic Services: Previously, Neyriz residents had to travel to other cities for MRI scans, which was not only costly and time-consuming but also cumbersome. With this donation, Neyriz residents can now easily and quickly access advanced MRI diagnostic services in their own county.
  • Enhanced Precision and Speed in Disease Diagnosis: The MRI machine provides accurate and detailed images of internal body organs, aiding doctors in more precise and faster disease diagnosis. Early detection plays a vital role in treatment and recovery.
  • Reduced Medical Costs: Given that the cost of MRI scans in other cities is significantly higher than in Neyriz, this donation to the Martyrs of Health Hospital benefits the local population by reducing their medical expenses.
  • Prevention of Patient Migration: The need for advanced diagnostic and treatment services is a factor driving people from smaller towns to metropolitan areas. The donation of the MRI machine to Neyriz prevents patient migration and will enhance the level of medical services in the county.

Ghadir Steel Complex's Commitment to Neyriz People:

Dr. Mostafa Pour, CEO of Neyriz Ghadir Steel Complex, during the inauguration ceremony of this machine, highlighted the collaboration among officials to address healthcare issues, stating, "This positive event signifies Ghadir Steel's foundational role in undertaking lasting actions at the county level and demonstrates our commitment to the people of Neyriz."

He mentioned the critical healthcare needs of the county, including the absence of 24-hour clinics and medical complexes with adequate infrastructure, and said, "Ghadir Steel Complex is striving, through pursuing officials and equipping 24-hour Qatruyeh clinics and the old hospital, to take another step towards solving these problems. We are also considering proposals to establish a 24-hour clinic in Qatruyeh to facilitate people's access to medical services in this area."

Appreciation for Ghadir Steel Complex:

Engineer Hojat Shafiei, President of Neyriz Health Charities Council, also appreciated and thanked the Ghadir Steel Complex for funding the MRI machine, stating, "This valuable action demonstrates Ghadir Steel Complex's commitment and responsibility towards the people of Neyriz."

The Neyriz Ghadir Steel Complex's act of donating an MRI machine to the Martyrs of Health Hospital in Neyriz signifies the company's commitment and responsibility towards the people of this area. This generous gesture will significantly improve medical services and the well-being of Neyriz residents and will undoubtedly become a lasting part of the county's medical services history.



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ممکن است برایتان جالب باشد

استفاده از اخبار وب سایت مجتمع فولاد غدیر در سایر رسانه ها با ذکر منبع بلامانع است.

مجتمع فولاد غدیر نی‌ریز، یکی از ۷ طرح فولادی به شمار می رود که دولت جمهوری اسلامی ایران در سال ۱۳۸۵ با هدف تمرکز زدایی از تولید فولاد به تصویب رساند. عملیات اجرایی احداث کارخانه احیاء مستقیم این مجتمع با ظرفیت ۸۰۰ هزار تن و کارخانه فولادسازی با ظرفیت یک میلیون تن در سال ۱۳۸۶ ، آغاز شد.

در سال ۱۳۹۳ قراردادی میان سازمان توسعه و نوسازی معادن و صنایع معدنی ایران (ایمیدرو) و شرکت بین المللی توسعه صنایع و معادن غدیر (سهامی عام) برای سرمایه گذاری و مشارکت در ساخت و تکمیل و راه اندازی طرح نیمه تمام مجتمع فولاد غدیر نی ریز به نسبت 65 درصد طرف دوم (غدیر) و 35 درصد طرف اول (ایمیدرو) منعقد شد.

مجتمع فولاد غدیر نی‌ریز (سهامی خاص) در قالب شرکت سهامی به شماره ثبتی ۱۳۰۰ و شناسه ملی ۱۴۰۰۴۵۰۵۲۰۶ در اداره ثبت اسناد و املاک نی‌ریز ثبت شده است و در حال حاضر، جزء واحدهای تجاری فرعی شرکت بین المللی توسعه صنایع و معادن غدیر(سهامی عام) می باشد. این واحد صنعتی، بخش میانی گروه شرکت سرمایه گذاری غدیر(سهامی عام) و کنترل کننده نهایی، سازمان تأمین اجتماعی کارکنان بازنشستگی نیروهای مسلح(ساتا) است.

پیوندهای مفید

تماس با ما


آدرس : استان فارس- شهرستان نی‌ریز - کیلومتر ۵۰ جاده نی‌ریز به سیرجان

دفتر مرکزی

دفتر تهران : بخارست، کوچه چهاردهم غربی، پلاک ۱۷

تلفن دفتر تهران :

+98 21 8875 4305



بیشتر بدانید

تمام حقوق این وب سایت متعلق به مجتمع فولاد غدیر نی‌ریز است.

سیاست های حریم خصوصی - طراحی و اجرا توسط بوگن استودیو