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درباره ی ما

اخبار و رسانه

مجتمع فولاد غدیر نی‌ریز

The Commencement of water transfer from the Persian Gulf to Ghadir Steel Complex



On December 7, 2023, the groundbreaking ceremony for the water transfer from the Persian Gulf to the Ghadir Neyriz Steel Complex was held in the presence of a number of national and provincial officials. This mega project, with a capacity to transfer 6 million cubic meters of water per year to the industrial complex, will mark a turning point in the industrial development of the vast Fars province.

Dr. Mohsen Mostafapour, CEO of Ghadir Neyriz Steel Complex, expressed his satisfaction with the start of this important project and highlighted the round-the-clock efforts, meticulous planning, and regular follow-up by all the members of the complex. He described this day as a very auspicious one for Neyriz county and Fars province.

Mohsen mustafapour, CEO of the Ghadir Neyriz steel complex
Mohsen mustafapour, CEO of the Ghadir Neyriz steel complex

He emphasized the connection to and reliance on a sustainable water source as one of the most important factors in the industrialization of Neyriz and Fars. He added the water transfer from the Persian Gulf to Neyriz was a bold decision that would not have been possible without the efforts made and the support of all the officials in the county.

Mostafapour, referring to the social responsibility activities of Ghadir Neyriz Steel Complex, such as water supply to villages, construction of schools and hospitals, and support for sports and youth, stated: "Today, Ghadir Steel Complex is proud to be the water bearer of the region in the name of Prophet Abbas ibn Ali(AS) and with the help of Bab al-Havaej, in the future, Ghadir shareholders will be able to say that a major part of the development of Fars province will be achieved through this action."

The CEO of Ghadir Investment Company, while appreciating the actions of Ghadir Neyriz Steel Complex in the field of social responsibility, continued: "The biggest event in terms of social responsibility is job creation, which can be achieved through the establishment of consecutive factories. We support the actions of Ghadir Neyriz Steel Complex to improve the situation of the people in the region and we will spare no effort in this regard."

Dr. Mehdi Abbasi, CEO of Ghadir Investment Company, thanked the officials for their support and cooperation and pointed to the completion of the pelletizing plant with a capacity of 2.5 million tons per year in Neyriz Steel Complex. He emphasized the importance of conducting studies to complete the steel chain.

Referring to the energy imbalance in the field of electricity and gas for factories as one of the challenges facing the industries, he announced the plans of the Ghadir Group to provide sustainable electricity through renewable energy power plants and gas supply through LNG.

Water transfer from the Persian Gulf

Dr. Tahmasebi, the representative of Neyriz, Estahban and Bakhtegan in the Islamic Consultative Assembly, appreciated the efforts of Dr. Mostafapour and his colleagues and pointed to the activation of sponge iron, pelletizing and steelmaking units in Ghadir Neyriz Steel Complex. He expressed hope that the steel chain would be completed in this region.

Dr. Hassanpour, the representative of Sirjan in the Islamic Consultative Assembly, also referred to the legend that has now become a reality, and described Dr. Mostafapour's work as a lasting one in the history of the Ghadir Group and the county. He added: "This water is the beginning of solving all the problems of industry and mining and will be the basis for the development and prosperity of the industry, job creation and improving the living standards of the people."

The start of the water transfer from the Persian Gulf to the Ghadir Neyriz Steel Complex is a harbinger of great developments in Fars province. This project will not only solve the problem of water shortage for the industry in this region, but will also pave the way for the development and prosperity of the industry, job creation and improving the living standards of the people.

In addition, this project shows the determination of the officials for the industrial development of the country and the removal of production obstacles. We hope that with the completion of this project and other similar projects, we will witness the increasing progress of the Islamic Iran in the path of development and prosperity.



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ممکن است برایتان جالب باشد

استفاده از اخبار وب سایت مجتمع فولاد غدیر در سایر رسانه ها با ذکر منبع بلامانع است.

مجتمع فولاد غدیر نی‌ریز، یکی از ۷ طرح فولادی به شمار می رود که دولت جمهوری اسلامی ایران در سال ۱۳۸۵ با هدف تمرکز زدایی از تولید فولاد به تصویب رساند. عملیات اجرایی احداث کارخانه احیاء مستقیم این مجتمع با ظرفیت ۸۰۰ هزار تن و کارخانه فولادسازی با ظرفیت یک میلیون تن در سال ۱۳۸۶ ، آغاز شد.

در سال ۱۳۹۳ قراردادی میان سازمان توسعه و نوسازی معادن و صنایع معدنی ایران (ایمیدرو) و شرکت بین المللی توسعه صنایع و معادن غدیر (سهامی عام) برای سرمایه گذاری و مشارکت در ساخت و تکمیل و راه اندازی طرح نیمه تمام مجتمع فولاد غدیر نی ریز به نسبت 65 درصد طرف دوم (غدیر) و 35 درصد طرف اول (ایمیدرو) منعقد شد.

مجتمع فولاد غدیر نی‌ریز (سهامی خاص) در قالب شرکت سهامی به شماره ثبتی ۱۳۰۰ و شناسه ملی ۱۴۰۰۴۵۰۵۲۰۶ در اداره ثبت اسناد و املاک نی‌ریز ثبت شده است و در حال حاضر، جزء واحدهای تجاری فرعی شرکت بین المللی توسعه صنایع و معادن غدیر(سهامی عام) می باشد. این واحد صنعتی، بخش میانی گروه شرکت سرمایه گذاری غدیر(سهامی عام) و کنترل کننده نهایی، سازمان تأمین اجتماعی کارکنان بازنشستگی نیروهای مسلح(ساتا) است.

پیوندهای مفید

تماس با ما


آدرس : استان فارس- شهرستان نی‌ریز - کیلومتر ۵۰ جاده نی‌ریز به سیرجان

دفتر مرکزی

دفتر تهران : بخارست، کوچه چهاردهم غربی، پلاک ۱۷

تلفن دفتر تهران :

+98 21 8875 4305



بیشتر بدانید

تمام حقوق این وب سایت متعلق به مجتمع فولاد غدیر نی‌ریز است.

سیاست های حریم خصوصی - طراحی و اجرا توسط بوگن استودیو